A Message from Rockwell Automation’s
Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
Over the past few years, our security programs have been challenged more than ever before. Adapting to a global pandemic meant many employees were suddenly working from home, so we had to scale our security programs to include home environments and new, often stressful, working conditions.
This eCookbook is an example of how we embed security awareness into our employees’ daily lives, which strengthens the security culture of both our personal and corporate ecosystems. You are probably wondering, what does an eCookbook have to do with security? There are more similarities than you think. Just as recipes evolve over time, so does security. Do you have a secret family recipe? Hmm…your passphrases should also be kept secret. Food connects us all, much like Smart devices and social media.
We need to share tips, tricks, and mistakes in order to cook great meals and stay safe and secure online. The Rockwell Automation security team hopes you enjoy and share our “Shield to Fork eCookbook”. Whether you are a novice cook or an expert chef, there is something here for everyone!
Thank you.
Dawn Cappelli
Many people invested time and effort in the creation of this eCookbook. Thank you to those who shared their recipes. A special thanks goes out to the IT Cybersecurity Team, our Security Leaders for their support and our amazing Security Ambassadors!
Security Leadership
Dawn Cappelli, VP Security and Chief Information Security Officer, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Mike Riecica, Director of Security Strategy and Risk, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Campaign Manager
Andrea Kittelson, Global Cybersecurity Training & Communications Manager, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Design and Technical Team
Aquent Studios at Rockwell Automation
Corina Reymer, Security Risk Manager, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Editing Committee
Anna Brower, Embedded Software Engineer, Mayfield Heights, Ohio
Dawn Schulze, Global Security Program Manager, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Denise Buchholz, Sr. Management Assistant, Mequon, Wisconsin
Judy Homen, Office Manager, San Jose, California
Renee Sandri, Management Assistant, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Sheena Sequeira, Field Sales Administrator, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Susy Thompson, Insider Risk Investigator, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Ann Stacia, Senior Field Sales Administrator, Los Angeles, California
Carrie Crissey, Executive Management Assistant, Dallas, Texas
Jennifer Baker-Johnson, Commercial Marketing Manager, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Jette Errebo, PA & Team Lead, Copenhagen, Denmark
Julie Pierce, Management Assistant, ISC, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Katrina Parr, Global Social Media Strategist, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Linda Utley, Senior Management Assistant, Mayfield Heights, Ohio
Olivia Striepling, Global Social Media Community Manager, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Sarah Kaufmann, Global Community Relations and Contributions Specialist, Milwaukee, Wisconsin